Our members
Our membership comprises up to two representatives from each of Scotland’s 32 Local Authorities, as well as representatives from the Scottish Council for Independent Schools (SCIS), other educational bodies and partner organisations. All retiring members who have served for more than five years are offered an Honorary membership.
The Executive Committee is drawn from the membership.

Neil Wightwick
Telephone: 01436 820 491
Email: Neil Wightwick
Neil is SAPOE’s Chief Executive Officer. He works for Glasgow City Council as the Head of Outdoor Education, Education services. He is responsible for leading and managing the Outdoor Education Service which includes, Blairvadach Outdoor Education Centre, a City Centre Hub at Pinkston Basin, a Peripatetic team of instructors working with young people who are care experienced and the city’s DofE programme.

Tim Pickering
Telephone: 01851 822 800
Email: Tim Pickering
Tim is SAPOE’s Chair. Tim works for Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council) as the Outdoor Learning Manager, he job shares with Isi Oakley. They are responsible for the development, support and delivery of outdoor learning in the Education Department and across the wider council.

Liz Brookes
Telephone: 0131 653 5217
Email: Liz Brookes
Liz works for East Lothian Council as the Principal Teacher for the Outdoor Learning Service. She is responsible for managing and developing the Outdoor Learning Service. The service uses the outdoor environment and adventurous activities as a vehicle for delivering the Curriculum for Excellence across all schools in East Lothian. Liz is also responsible for the safety management of off site visits including adventure activities across the authority and overseas, and the management of Innerwick residential centre.

Andrew Bradshaw
Mobile: 07718 660 549
Email: Andrew Bradshaw
Andrew is the Principal Officer in the Sports and Outdoor Learning Unit, Schools and Lifelong Learning, Communities and Families and works for City of Edinburgh Council. He is responsible for leadership and management of Edinburgh’s Outdoor Learning service, including residential provision and wider achievement. Andrew is the Secretary for SAPOE.

Alan Smith
Telephone: 0141 578 8728
Email: Alan Smith
Alan is Treasurer on the SAPOE committee, and Outdoor Education and Awards Officer for East Dunbartonshire Council. He is responsible for managing the Educational Excursions within the authority, operational support to early years, schools and CLD, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, development of awards and courses to schools, as well as the management of the delivery of various outdoor programmes within the authority.

Des Bagshaw
Telephone: 01413 319 217
Email: Des Bagshaw
Des Bagshaw is the coordinating officer for the Going Out There document and website. Des is Head of Outdoor Education at St Aloysius’ College, Glasgow and he is one of the two SAPOE representatives for SCIS. Des has a lifelong passion for the outdoors and adventure.

Bill Stephen
Telephone: 0131 271 3720
Email: Bill Stephen
Bill is a Principal Teacher with the Inclusion and Wellbeing Service at Midlothian Council. As well as developing and delivering Outdoor Learning programmes for the Inclusion & Wellbeing Service Bill also provides advice and CLPL for schools on educational visits and looks after the Midlothian offsite educational visits management system. Bill is the Training Officer for SAPOE.

Viks Williams
Telephone: 07768 796 393
Email: Viks Williams
Viks works for Glasgow City Council as Operations Manager for Outdoor Education (City Based Programmes). She is directly responsible for managing the DofE Award in Glasgow, a care experience programme for outdoor based therapy within Education and a city centre hub at Pinktson Basin. In this role Viks also forms part of the senior management team at Blairvadach Outdoor Education.
Niall Ritchie
- Telephone: 01467 534720 (Tuesday & Thursday)
- Mobile: 07547 121325
- Email: Niall Ritchie
- X: @LLAberdeenshire
Gavin Brebner
- Telephone: 01382 370 613
Argyll & Bute
Sandra Clarke
- Telephone: Furnace Primary: 01499 500 627; Inveraray Primary: 01499 302 218
- Email: Sandra Clarke
Natalie White
- Email:
Dumfries & Galloway
No current rep
Dundee City
No current rep
East Dunbartonshire
Alan Smith
- Telephone: 0141 578 8728
- Mobile: 07500 786 355
- Email: Alan Smith
- X: @OutdoorEdc
Cliff Smith
- Telephone: 0131 551 4368
- Mobile: 07748 703 515
- Email: Cliff Smith
Andrew Bradshaw
- Mobile: 07718 660 549
- Email: Andrew Bradshaw
Eilean Siar (Western Isles)
Tim Pickering
- Telephone: 01851 822 800
- Email: Tim Pickering
Fraser Lippok
- Email:
Glasgow City
Neil Wightwick
- Telephone: 01436 820 491
- Email: Neil Wightwick
- X: @blairvadachoec
Viks Williams
- Mobile: 07768 796 393
- Email: Viks Williams
- X: @dofeglasgow
Currently opted out
North Lanarkshire
Gillian Aitken
- Mobile: 07812 501 871
- Email: Gillian Aitken
Andrew McNaughton
- Mobile: 07976 946943
- Email: Andrew McNaughton
No current rep
Scottish Borders
Gordon Smith
- Telephone: 0300 100 1800, ext 5465
- Mobile: 07891 413 491
- Email: Gordon Smith
- X: @SBCOutdoorEd
Shetland Islands
Pete Richardson
- Telephone: 01595 695 947
- Mobile: 07833 298 221
- Email: Pete Richardson
South Ayrshire
Duncan Sturgeon
- Telephone: 01655 760 600
- Mobile: 07967 038 486
- Email: Duncan Sturgeon
West Dunbartonshire
Jacqueline O’Donnell
Carrie Lindsay
Executive Officer (ADES)
Saskia Kearns
Team Leader, Curriculum Development, Scottish Government
Frances Kelly
HM Inspector of Health & Safety, Entertainment Leisure Commercial and Consumer Services Sector, Engagement and Policy Division, Health and Safety Executive
Ian Menzies
Senior Education Officer, Education Scotland | Foghlam Alba
Jane Campbell Morrison
Chair, Scottish Adventure Activities Forum
Matt Robinson
Learning through Landscapes Scotland Director and National Network for Outdoor Learning (Scotland)
Megan Griffiths
Partnership Manager | sportscotland
Neil Baird
Representative, Youthlink Scotland NYVOS Outdoor Learning Working Group
Nick March
AHOEC Scotland Chair
Shaun Roberts
Principal, sportscotland national training centre & avalanche service, Glenmore Lodge
Richard Painter
National Secretary, Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel
Dave Ogilvie
Manager of Outdoor Learning, Stewart’s Melville College & Representative for SCIS
Telephone: 0131 311 1000
Email: Dave Ogilvie
Des Bagshaw
Head of Outdoor Education at St. Aloysius College & Representative for SCIS
Telephone: 01413 319 217
Email: Des Bagshaw
Dr Andrew Horrell
Acting Director of Learning and Teaching & Senior Lecturer in Physical Education, University of Edinburgh
Telephone: 0131 651 6649
Email: Dr Andrew Horrell
Dr Heidi Smith
Programme Director for MSc Outdoor Education and MSc Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education, and Lecturer in Outdoor Learning
Email: Dr Heidi Smith