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Building capacity in the workforce – Taking Learning Outdoors Training Opportunity

The first Train the Trainer course for an Introduction to Taking Learning Outdoors in Early Years was run on Wednesday 28th October 2015, Camelon Education Centre, Falkirk.

“The journey through education for any child in Scotland must include opportunities for a series of planned, quality outdoor learning experiences” (CfE through outdoor learning – LTS 2010).

The key to turning ambition into reality is good quality Professional Learning, which builds capacity and develops confidence in the workforce to take learning outdoors.  In recognition of this Education Scotland is working in partnership with the Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education (SAPOE) to identify good practice in Local Authorities and to create opportunities for Professional Learning to be shared across Scotland.

As part of this process SAPOE has developed training courses at three levels: Early Years, Primary and Secondary entitled ‘An Introduction to Taking Learning Outdoors’.

Through SAPOE, Education Scotland is funding ‘Train the Trainer’ courses which are being offered to every LA in Scotland. Initially each LA is being offered one place on each course with the expectation that these individuals will cascade the training in their own LA gradually building the capacity of the workforce.

Attendance at these courses will:
·         Equip trainers with the knowledge and skills required to deliver the relevant course
·         Provide training materials that can be used as a template and be adapted for use in each LA
·         Provide opportunities for professional dialogue and the sharing of good practice

These courses are aimed at individuals who:
·         Have experience in, and  knowledge of, outdoor learning
·         Have the delivery of Professional Learning as part of their remit with the ability and capacity to roll out further training in their LA

Train-the-trainer courses for an Introduction to Taking Learning Outdoors in Primary schools will be run on Thursday 26th November 2015 at St. Joseph’s Academy, Kilmarnock, and the course for an Introduction to Taking Learning Outdoors in Secondary schools will take place on Tuesday 22nd March 2016,  Bangholm Outdoor Centre, Edinburgh. An additional course for Early Years practitioners will be run in March – April 2016 (date to be confirmed).

For further information Contact SAPOE.