
SkillsActive: Survey to review SVQ for Outdoor Instructors and Managers

SkillsActive have recently reviewed the Scottish Vocational Qualifications for Outdoors Instructors and Managers. We are now asking for wider feedback from the sector. This is a chance to influence the training of future instructors and managers and use your experience to help us to raise skills in the industry.

Who should complete the survey?

We would like to invite feedback from those with experience of the sector.

This could include, but is not limited to:

*   Instructors

*   Chief Instructors

*   Centre Managers

*   Area Managers

*   Assessment Centres

*   Awarding Organisations

You don’t need in-depth knowledge of qualifications just experience of the outdoors sector.

The survey should take around 5-10 minutes.

To complete the survey please see the following link: